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作者: 李丽芹 来源: 北京理工大学 年份:2004 所属分类: 统计年鉴(全国性) - 学位论文 关键词: 企业 税收筹划 研究
描述:服务于企业发展战略,企业发展战略的顺利实施离不开税收筹划,只有二者的有效结合才能使税收筹划真正发挥作用。本文主要从三个方面进行研究与探讨:首先,对税收筹划进行了概述。主要以税收筹划的发展过程为依据,概要介绍国内外理论界对税收筹划的认识、理解,对税收筹划进行定义;阐述了国内外税收筹划的发展现状,并重点介绍了我国税收筹划的现状;说明税收筹划对企业发展的重要性。第二,对企业经常涉及的增值税、营业税和企业所得税三个税种给出具体的税收筹划操作方法。第三,提出企业在进行税收筹划时需要注意的问题。结论认为,税收筹划在我国蕴含着巨大的市场潜力,我国企业应加强对税收筹划的重视,企业的发展离不开税收筹划,而真正适合企业的税收筹划方案应是企业发展战略相结合,是一项长期而又复杂的工作。This paper is based on the domestic and international theories about tax planning. According the historical development and the current situation of tax planning, the writer attempt to clarify that tax planning is now influencing business development,and will take important role in financial management . How to plan three major tax types which many enterprises are facing frequently are concerned in the paper, and the writer suppose that the combining of tax planning and business strategy will become the trend in future. Firstly, outline tax planning from the development process including domestic and abroad, and overview different understandings of tax planning, and give a definition of tax planning.Secondly, describes the development status of tax planning, and major in China.Thirdly, tax planning has important effect on the development of enterprise. And give some plan on Value-added tax、Business tax and Income tax of the enterprise.Fourthly, we must pay attention to some problems in tax planning. In conclude, a huge potential market exist in tax planning in China. Enterprises should notice the tax planning. Tax planning is necessary for enterprise. Tax planning which is really suited with the enterprise is a complicated task.
作者: 胡晓华 来源: 北京理工大学 年份:2004 所属分类: 统计年鉴(全国性) - 学位论文 关键词: 北京建行 个人理财 营销策略
描述:竞争中,并没有形成基于“乐当家”品牌的优势竞争地位。针对这一问题,本研究指出,随着我国金融市场的开放和利率市场化,个人理财业务作为未来利润增长的源泉和培育核心竞争能力的基础,对北京建行应对激烈的竞争有着极其重要的意义。在对北京建行个人理财业务营销现状及存在问题进行分析的基础上,本研究通过对北京市场个人理财产品需求规模、客户认知状态的分析,提出北京建行应主要关注四类客户,并有针对性地提出营销策略组合。其中,产品策略主要包括应延伸产品功能、拉动顾客产品需求的升级、创新结构类产品以及突出保证功能四个方面;定价策略则应针对不同客户需求、不同产品以及市场竞争状态,分别实施客户价值导向策略、无差别定价策略和竞争导向策略;就渠道而言,本研究认为北京建行急需解决的问题包括营业网点功能改造、网络营销渠道拓展以及渠道整合营销策略的重要性,并特别指出强化个人理财业务客户经理制的重要性;对于促销策略,本研究主要从人员促销、广告策略以及公共关系三个方面展开,指出一切促销活动都应围绕建设银行“乐当家”品牌和“从容驾驭财富”的理念展开,使客户在潜移默化中成为北京建行个人理财业务的忠实客户,在获得满意服务的同时,为银行带来利润。By the end of 2006, CCB Beijing Branch had established one private banking center, 13 financial services centers and 14 financial services studios to provide clients with personalized services of investment and financing consulting. However, the share of traffic volume and income level of personal financial service in CCB Beijing Branch is lagged far behind domestic bank average. Neither have CCB Beijing Branch established superiority in the sector of personal financial service in fierce domestic competition.To cope with the situation, this study starts with current status and future development of personal financial services in China and expounds its necessity and urgency from two aspects of CCB Beijing Branch’s inner demand of business expansion and clients’ realistic need of fortune management. The study compared the nominal return rate and risk level of dominant personal financial products of banks and points out the main problems that CCB Beijing Branch facing now. With relatively narrow production line, little choice for clients, CCB Beijing Branch did not set up core competition advantages of Le Dang Jia Brand based on CCB’s reputation of excellent credit standing, low risk and broad coverage in Beijing banking sector.Based on SWOT analysis of Le Dang Jia Brand personal financial services of CCB Beijing Branch, the study points out that CCB Beijing Branch should focus on target consumers of thirty more years old with month incomes over eight thousand RMB Y. Expand and strengthen the intensions of innovation, multifunction, facilitation, and quickness in Le Dang Jia Brand personal financial services. In addition, provide diversity services in accordance with needs of different clients, different businesses and different demands. To upgrade core competition capacity and profit level in personal financial service business, CCB Beijing Branch still needs to focus on segment market, make effort to establish professional high-grade customer service system to achieve client structure optimization.